07 March 2011

He's an angel...

He's an angel..., originally uploaded by sharkbayte.

March 7, 2011- He's an angel...when he is sleeping. I cropped close to his paw because he fell asleep in between a box of tissues and some other articles on the other side of him. If I moved or tried to move the items out of the way he would have woken and lost the shot. I have no clue how he can tell when I am taking his picture while he is sleeping. He just wakes up, so this was a treat for me to capture him sleeping and with a semi decent clear shot. (Day 66 #365Project @sharkbayte)


greygirl25 said...

Awww, that is so sweet.

He is an angel. It's good to see him again.

Sharkbayte said...

Thanks Terri! I would love to do a shot of him a day, but he doesn't always want to stay still for that. I was thinking of doing a blog just about him, not sure if I can with all the other stuff happening.